What’s the Story?

Image credit: Ellygeh

A new episode of “Drucker on the Dial” is available today. In this episode, Phalana Tiller talks with several guests about the role that stories and storytelling can have in driving behavior change at both the organizational and societal levels.

Each of the guests—including famed community organizer Marshall Ganz, neurophysiologist Jorge Barraza, messaging expert Brian Hardwick and novelists R.P. Siegel and Roger Saillant—speaks to the way that narratives can help propel individuals and organizations to generate meaningful results around shared values and goals.

And Time.com columnist Rick Wartzman delivers a piece about Uber, the automobile-for-hire service that finds itself surrounded by controversy.

Finally, the episode ends with a fun contribution from children in the village of Claremont, California discussing their love of stories.

Subscribe to “Drucker on the Dial” via iTunesU or listen to this episode using the media player below.