Drucker Institute academic director delivers keynote address at leadership forum in China

Joe Maciariello, the Drucker Institute’s academic director, delivered a major speech in China to business and social-sector executives, warning that “charisma may be the undoing of leaders.”

Maciariello spoke on Nov. 1 as part of the 3rd Drucker Forum, put on by the Peter F. Drucker Academy, a nonprofit educational organization.

The event, titled “Effective Leadership in the 21st Century,” was held in the People’s Congress Hall in Hangzhou. Nearly 1,000 executives attended the two-day forum, and 30 leaders from the largest business enterprises and nonprofit organizations in China exchanged their ideas on the stage. In all, nine speeches and five panel discussions were delivered. More than 3,000 Drucker books were sold on the spot.

In addition to sharing and amplifying Peter Drucker’s insights on charisma, Maciariello also spoke about mission, trust, responsibility and succession planning.

Leadership involves “lifting a person’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, and the building of a person’s personality beyond its normal limitations,” Maciariello told the forum audience, as he quoted Drucker.

For a look at Maciariello’s remarks, click here. For photographs from the 3rd Drucker Forum, see below.






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