Harvard Business Review trumpets Drucker Institute event
Harvard Business Review has taken note of a forum, convened by the Drucker Institute, in which a group of corporate executives and other leaders discussed “their renewed sense of purpose and responsibility to a local and global community.”
The intimate event, hosted on Oct. 14 by Procter & Gamble Chairman A.G. Lafley, included 32 participants from business, academia and the social sector. Among them were:
- Intuit founder Scott Cook
- Teach for America founder and CEO Wendy Kopp
- Costco CEO Jim Sinegal
- former News Corp. President Peter Chernin
Mattel Chairman and CEO Bob Eckert
- Feeding America CEO Vicki Escarra
- Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- USC professor Warren Bennis
- Stanford Business School professor Jeffrey Pfeffer
- Rotman School of Management Dean Roger Martin
Also participating were Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management Dean Ira Jackson, Drucker Institute Executive Director Rick Wartzman, and Drucker School Professors Jean Lipman-Blumen and Vijay Sathe.
The group discussed themes drawn from Lafley’s May 2009 HBR article, “What Only the CEO Can Do.” The piece itself grew out of conversations that Lafley had with Peter Drucker.
The Forum was part of the Drucker Centennial, a series of events being put on by the Drucker Institute and Drucker School in celebration of Peter Drucker’s 100th birthday.
Click here to read the item in HBR.