Twice each year the Drucker Institute and Barron’s team up to pick the companies most likely to shape the economy in the next 3–5 years.

Twice each year the Drucker Institute and Barron’s team up to pick the companies most likely to shape the economy in the next 3–5 years.
What’s visible but not yet seen
The Barron’s Future Focus Stock Index is designed to give an innovative answer to an eternal question: Which of today’s biggest companies will have an even bigger economic impact three to five years from now?
Combining the strength of Barron’s Next 50 Index with the methodology behind the S&P/Drucker Institute Corporate Effectiveness Index, the Barron’s Future Focus Stock Index seeks to pool the best of both approaches, gaining upside from Barron’s people-driven method and stability from the Drucker Institute’s data-driven method.
Read the complete 2021 list of companies most likely to shape the economy in the coming years. Also, find out more about how we rank companies.