David Sprott

ex officio

David Sprott

ex officio

Mr. Sprott, an ex officio member, is Henry Y. Hwang Dean and professor of marketing at the Drucker School of Management at Claremont Graduate University. He also serves as a faculty member of the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. Sprott received his BBA and MBA from Kent State University, and his PhD in Marketing from the University of South Carolina. He previously served as Dean of the University of Wyoming’s College of Business, where he led the drive for online programs, enhanced philanthropic engagement and implemented various diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. For more than 20 years, he served as a faculty member at Washington State University. Sprott is an active researcher in consumer behavior and psychology within retailing, branding, influence strategies, and marketing public policy, and his work has been published in many of his field’s top journals, including Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Retailing.


KH Moon

KH Moon

Mr. Moon is president and CEO of Hansoll Textile Ltd., a global textile company that manufactures and exports mainly knit apparel to the United States, Europe and Japan. National governments and supply chain partners have recognized Hansoll as an industry leader in responsibility and innovation. Mr. Moon is also the president of Seoul-based New Paradigm Institute for Green & Responsible Competitiveness, which advances environmental sustainability and lifelong learning throughout Korea. For his work on lifelong learning, Mr. Moon received the prestigious 2021 Professional Excellence Award from the International Labour and Employment Relations Association. Previously, Mr. Moon served as a member of Korea’s national parliament. He was president and CEO of the consumer-products company Yuhan-Kimberly, which under his leadership became widely known for product innovation and the way it cared for employees. Mr. Moon was heralded, in particular, for the measures he took to avoid laying off workers during the Asian financial crisis of the mid-1990s. In addition, Mr. Moon has been an environmental leader, spearheading the planting of tens of millions of trees throughout Korea and across Asia. Mr. Moon was also a founder of the Drucker Society of Korea, which convenes regular meetings of corporate executives to read and apply Drucker’s work in their own organizations and communities.

Nobuhiro Iijima

Nobuhiro Iijima

Mr. Iijima is president and CEO of Yamazaki Baking Co., Japan’s leading manufacturer of bread and baked goods, with more than $6 billion in sales. Under Mr. Iijima’s leadership, Yamazaki has grown from humble beginnings into an operation with 25 domestic factories and more than 16,000 employees producing thousands of product lines for sale in 100,000 stores. He joined the company after graduating from Hitotsubashi University. The company sent him to London to study baking at what is now South Bank University, from which he holds an Honorary Doctor of Science degree. He was named president of the firm in 1979. Mr. Iijima also sat on the advisory board of the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management (now the Leader to Leader Institute), and currently serves as vice chairman of World Vision Japan, a Christian relief and development organization.