Blockbuster Weakened: Resource Guide
Drucker Apps rounds out this conversation with resources that will help you continue to explore the questions raised and discover how you can move from ideas to action.
- Drucker Societies around the globe are using Drucker’s core insights to create positive change in their local communities. Find out how you can join a Drucker Society.
- Peter Cohan’s The Technology Leaders covers the role and impact of technology on business.
- Lisa Gansky recommends:
- Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough and William Braungart
- A trip to your local farmer’s market.
- The Mesh Directory – a community site for companies that wish to connect and share resources and expertise.
Further Drucker Reading
To read more from Peter Drucker on the impact of the Internet on business, check out:
Managing in the Next Society, (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002), especially Chapter 4 “E-commerce-The Central Challenge.”
“The Future of the Corporation III,” a 2003 lecture from The Drucker Lectures edited by Drucker Institute Executive Director Rick Wartzman.