Bringing On the Funk
We’re celebrating just a little today after learning that our radio show was recognized by the Public Radio Exchange (PRX) as part of its 2011 Zeitfunk Awards.
PRX handed out Zeitfunk Awards in 18 different categories, and an episode of the show was cited as being the year’s 18th most viewed piece among all of those that were embedded using PRX’s embeddable audio player.
The episode, which first aired in July 2011, was called “Beyond the Comfort Zone.” It included interviews with Gail McGovern, the chief executive of the American Red Cross, and Scott Keller of McKinsey & Co. about management challenges across diverse sectors.
“What’s notable about receiving this honor is that all the other programs in this category—including those from the Moth Radio Hour and Kitchen Sisters—aired on well-known public radio shows with huge national followings,” said Phalana Tiller, the Drucker Institute’s communications manager and the host of “Drucker on the Dial.” “We’re still quite new, and just trying to establish ourselves. So, seeing ‘Drucker on the Dial’ in such big-league company is really validating.”