Empty Nest Eggs: Resource Guide
Drucker Apps rounds out this conversation with resources that will help you continue to explore the questions raised and discover how you can move from ideas to action.
- Drucker Societies around the globe are using Drucker’s core insights to create positive change in their local communities. Find out how you can join a Drucker Society.
- Ed Gubman recommends the Employee Benefit Research Institute for comprehensive information about retirement and pensions.
- Roger Lowenstein’s books While America Aged and The End of Wall Street examine pensions and the shifting trends in financial institutions.
- Alicia Munnell’s Center for Retirement Research is a wellspring of information on the pension and retirement landscape.
- Drucker Institute Executive Director Rick Wartzman’s article When Retirement Is Not an Option for Bloomberg Businessweek explores the impact of an aging society on the workforce.
Further Drucker Reading
To read more from Peter Drucker on pensions, check out:
The Pension Fund Revolution (Transaction Publishers, 1996. Originally published as The Unseen Revolution by Harper & Row, 1976), especially the Epilogue.
Drucker shared his ideas about pensions in a 1950 article for Harper’s Magazine, The Mirage of Pensions.
Drucker’s 2001 article for The Economist, The New Demographics, takes a look at the implications of an ageing population.