Rich Man, Poor Man: Resource Guide

Drucker Apps rounds out this conversation with resources that will help you continue to explore the questions raised and discover how you can move from ideas to action.

  • Drucker Societies around the globe are using Drucker’s core insights to create positive change in their local communities through activities like mentoring high school students and supporting non-profits. Find out how you can join a Drucker Society.
  • Sam Pizzigati, author of Greed and Good, produces Too Much in conjunction with the Institute for Policy Studies. He also recommends:
  1. The Equality Trust, a UK-based organization that examines the origins and effects of income inequality.
  1. The Innosight Institute, which aims to apply Clay Christensen’s theories of innovation to social sector issues.
  2. Hackers and Painters by Paul Graham. (Especially Mind the Gap.)
  3. and the Pew Charitable Trust’s Economic Mobility Project.
  4. Fault Lines by Raghuram Rajan.
  5. The Politics of Free Markets by Monica Prasad.
  6. Columbia University’s Millions Dollar Block Project that highlights incarceration expenditures block-by-block in urban centers.
  7. Salam also blogs on the National Review’s The Agenda.
  1. The University of Michigan’s Panel Study of Income Dynamics that provides a long term view of the link between education, family structure and income for more than 9,000 families.
  2. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities’ recent study on income gaps shows the great distance between America’s very rich and very poor.

Further Drucker Reading

To read more from Peter Drucker on income inequality, check out:

Concept of the Corporation (Transaction Publishers, 1993), especially chapter 3, “The Corporation as a Social Institution.”

Management: Task, Responsibilities, Practices (Harper & Row, 1973), especially chapter 28, “Primum Non Nocere: The Ethics of Responsibility.

The New Realities (Transation Publishers, 1989), especially chapter 6, “The Limits of Government.”

Post-Capitalist Society (HarperBusinesss, 1993), especially chapter 6, “From Nation –State to Megastate,” and chapter 9, “Citizenship Through the Social Sector.”